







et revelabitur quasi aqua iudicium et iustitia quasi torrens fortis




I am thankful for the opportunity to speak on behalf the graduating class.

I am thankful to those who are before us, who have worked on the frontline of Christian faith, and have been fruitful in multiplying younger generations.

I am thankful to those who are with us, whom we have faced challenges of life together, and who are still friends till today.

Throughout these four years, we have the luxury to concentrate studying in this beautiful campus during which our nation is facing great challenges and changes. What is interesting about the truth? Is it worth studying?

In the past, we thought we had the answer for all the evil in the world. But only now we realize that the truth is indeed a battlefield. And we journey with God in God’s working in history. In the kairos, God humbled himself to become a servant, to wash our feet, and to announce: “I love you by freeing you from the yoke of slavery, but I love you also by freeing from becoming a king among your friends.”


It has been 2000 years God has been working in history. How are we to play a part in it? Regardless of our age, we are looking for a chance to express and to rejuvenate our faith. Are you willing to make your presence worth in God’s kairos?

If you are willing, then let’s join our hands. There are important things we need to work forward: to prepare homes for the homeless, and to breed courage toward a world of justice. We should set our eyes on the priority of needs and make the presence of the Church felt in this world.

We hope that you do not miss it, rather, we anticipate your involvement in playing Christ’s salvific symphony of all time.

All that have been learned these four years are molding us toward this eventful involvement. And Christ himself is the potter of our molding processes.

Thank you.


